Latest Past Events

Improvizacije i Koreografije/Improvisations and Choreographies

UC Zemoon Tošin Bunar 2, Zemun


Časovi improvizacije imaju za cilj da se uživa u plesu i otkriva pokret kao takav. Na ovim časovima bavićemo se ritmom, muzičkim i plesnim stilovima, zajednički ćemo kreirati i praviti koreografije, radićemo na snazi i kondiciji tela, slobodno ćemo se kretati, opuštati i otkrivati prostor, energiju i sinergiju polaznika i učesnika. Dobrodošli su svi koji žele da igraju.

Pedagog: Marina Đurić
Trajanje : 90 minuta
Termin: Poslednja subota u mesecu od 18 do 19:30h


Improvisation classes aim is to enjoy dance and discover movement as such. In these classes we will deal with rhythm, music and dance styles, we will create and make choreographies together, we will work on the strength and condition of the body, we will move freely, relax and discover the space, energy and synergy of students and participants. Anyone who wants to dance is welcome.

Teacher: Marina Đurić
Duration: 90 minutes
Day and Time: Last Saturday in month from 6 to 7:30pm

Klasičan balet za odrasle/ Classical ballet for adults

UC Zemoon Tošin Bunar 2, Zemun

Naučite osnovne korake baleta bez obzira na godine!
Čas se sastoji od osnovnih baletskih vežbi, prema tradicionalnom i tačno određenom redosledu, od zagrevanja za štapom do složenijih pokreta i figura na sredini sale. Naglasak je na anatomski pravilnom izvođenju vežbi, pravilnom držanju, povezivanju pokreta i uživanju u igri. Dobrodošli su svi koji žele da plešu.
Pedagog: Marina Đurić
Trajanje: 90 minuta
Termin: sreda od 19 do 20:30h

Learn basic ballet steps regardless of age!
The class consists of basic ballet exercises, according to the traditional and exact order, from warm-up with the pole to more complex movements and figures in the middle of the hall. The emphasis is on anatomically correct execution of exercises, proper posture, connection of movements and enjoyment of the dance. Anyone who wants to dance is welcome.
Teacher: Marina Đurić
Duration: 90 minutes
Day and time: Wednesday from 7 to 8:30pm

Jazz Dance/ Mix Dance

UC Zemoon Tošin Bunar 2, Zemun

Časovi mix plesa su koncipirani kao kombinacija vežbi i plesa, a plesovi se kreću u rasponu od istorijskih igara i klasičnog baleta, preko tradicionalnih plesova, pa sve do savremenih i modernih plesnih formi - modernog i jazz baleta, hip-hopa, kabarea. Vežbe koje koristimo su standardne i osnovne vežbe iz klasičnog i modernog baleta, kao i jazz tehnike Matt Mattoxa, ali i kondicione vežbe, takođe kombinacija različitih struktura i pristupa ka što boljoj formi tela i plesnoj kondiciji.
Dobrodošli su svi koji žele da plešu.
Pedagog: Marina Đurić
Trajanje : 90 minuta
Termin: subota od 18 do 19:30

Mix dance classes are created as a combination of exercises and dance, and the dances range from historical dances and classical ballet, through traditional dances, to contemporary and modern dance forms - modern and jazz ballet, hip-hop, cabaret. The exercises we use are standard and basic exercises from classical and modern ballet, as well as Matt Mattox's jazz techniques, but also fitness exercises, also a combination of different structures and approaches to the best possible body shape and dance fitness. Anyone who wants to dance is welcome.
Teacher: Marina Đurić
Duration: 90 minutes
Day and time: Saturday from 6 to 7:30pm