Klasičan balet za odrasle/ Classical ballet for adults

UC Zemoon Tošin Bunar 2, Zemun

Naučite osnovne korake baleta bez obzira na godine!
Čas se sastoji od osnovnih baletskih vežbi, prema tradicionalnom i tačno određenom redosledu, od zagrevanja za štapom do složenijih pokreta i figura na sredini sale. Naglasak je na anatomski pravilnom izvođenju vežbi, pravilnom držanju, povezivanju pokreta i uživanju u igri. Dobrodošli su svi koji žele da plešu i rade na jačanju svog tela.

Pedagog: Marina Đurić

Trajanje: 90 minuta
Termini: ponedeljak od 16 do 17:30h i sreda od 18 do 19.30h, u toku trajanja letnje intenzivne radionice od 1. do 5. jula 2024. godine.

Learn basic ballet steps regardless of age!
The class consists of basic ballet exercises, according to the traditional and exact order, from warm-up with the pole to more complex movements and figures in the middle of the hall. The emphasis is on anatomically correct execution of exercises, proper posture, connection of movements and enjoyment of the dance. Anyone who wants to dance and work on strengthening their body is welcome.
Teacher: Marina Djuric
Duration: 90 minutes
Day and time: Monday from 4 to 5:30p.m. and Wednesday from 6 to 7:30p.m.

Vežbanje/Fitness and Stretching

UC Zemoon Tošin Bunar 2, Zemun

Časovi vežbanja održavaće se u toku intenzivne radionice i  trajaće pola sata. Cilj je jačanje tela i mišića, a od vežbi su izdvojene najbitnije i najproduktivnije vežbe iz klasičnog baleta, fitnesa, joge, itd. Čas vežbanja i istezanja podrazumeva zagrevanje tela i vežbe za baletskim štapom, potom jačanje leđnih mišića i ruku, a vežbanje na podu podrazumeva jačanje određenih grupa mišića celog tela. Dobrodošli su svi koji žele da vežbaju ili im je potrebna dodatna aktivnost.

Pedagog: Marina Đurić

Trajanje: 30 minuta
Termini: ponedeljak, sreda od 17:30 do 18h, u toku trajanja letnje intenzivne plesne radionice.

Exercise classes will be held during the intensive workshop and will last half an hour. The goal is to strengthen the body and muscles, and the most important and productive exercises from classical ballet, fitness, yoga, etc. have been selected from the exercises. The exercise and stretching class involve warming up the body and exercises with the ballet barre, then strengthening the back muscles and arms, and exercising on the floor involves strengthening certain groups of all body muscles. Anyone who wants to exercise or needs additional activity is welcome.

Teacher: Marina Djuric

Duration: 30 minutes
Days and Time: Monday, Wednesday from 17:30 to 18:00, during the summer intensive dance workshop.

Jazz Dance/ Mix Dance

UC Zemoon Tošin Bunar 2, Zemun


Časovi mix plesa su koncipirani kao kombinacija vežbi i plesa, a plesovi se kreću u rasponu od istorijskih igara i klasičnog baleta, preko tradicionalnih plesova, pa sve do savremenih i modernih plesnih formi - modernog i jazz baleta, hip-hopa, kabarea. Vežbe koje koristimo su standardne i osnovne vežbe iz klasičnog i modernog baleta, kao i jazz tehnike Matt Mattoxa i Bob Borossa, ali i kondicione vežbe, takođe kombinacija različitih struktura i pristupa ka što boljoj formi tela i plesnoj kondiciji.

Dobrodošli su svi koji žele da plešu.

Pedagog: Marina Đurić

Trajanje : 90 minuta
Termini: utorak od 16 do 17:30h, četvrtak od 18 do 19:30h, u toku trajanja letnje intenzivne plesne radionice od 1. do 5.jula 2024. godine.


Mix dance classes are created as a combination of exercises and dance, and the dances range from historical dances and classical ballet, through traditional dances, to contemporary and modern dance forms - modern and jazz ballet, hip-hop, cabaret. The exercises we use are standard and basic exercises from classical and modern ballet, as well as Matt Mattox's jazz techniques, but also fitness exercises, also a combination of different structures and approaches to the best possible body shape and dance fitness. Anyone who wants to dance is welcome.

Teacher: Marina Djuric

Duration: 90 minutes
Day and time: Tuesday from 4 to 5:30 p.m., and Thursday  from 6 to 7:30 p.m., during the summer intensive dance workshop from July 1-5, 2024.

Karakterne igre/Character dance

UC Zemoon Tošin Bunar 2, Zemun


Karakterne igre su neizostavni i veliki deo klasičnog plesa, odnosno to je stilizovana predstava tradicionalnog narodnog ili nacionalnog plesa, uglavnom iz evropskih zemalja: Rusije, Poljske, Mađarske, Italije i Španije. Karakterne igre su sastavni deo većine klasičnog baletskog repertoara, s toga je najbolje za ove časove imati plesno predznanje. Čas se sastoji od osnovnih  vežbi za štapom, prema tradicionalnom i tačno određenom redosledu, vežbama i koracima na sredini, pa sve do složenijih pokreta, koraka i koreografskih celina. Učićemo ruski Kazačok, poljsku Mazurku, mađarski Čardaš, španski Pasodoble i italijansku Tarantellu napoletanu.

Pedagozi: Marija Kostić i Marina Đurić
Trajanje : 90 minuta
Termini: utorak, četvrtak od 18 do 19:30h, u toku letnje intenzivne radionice.


Character dance are an indispensable and large part of classical dance, it is a stylized performance of traditional folk or national dance, mainly from European countries: Russia, Poland, Hungary, Italy and Spain. Character dances are an integral part of most classical ballet repertoire, so it is best for these classes to have dance knowledge. The class consists of basic stick exercises, according to the traditional and exact order, exercises and steps in the middle, all the way to more complex movements, steps and choreographic units. We will learn Ukrainian and Russian Kazachok, Polish Mazurka, Hungarian Czardas, Spanish Pasodoble and Italian Tarantella Napoletana.

Teachers: Marija Kostic and Marina Djuric
Duration: 90 minutes
Day and time: Tuesday, Thursday from 18:00 to 19:30, during the summer intensive dance workshop.